ACAT Practice Exams

Practice Exams


Test your knowledge with ACAT Practice Exams and feel prepared and confident to pass any of the ACAT exams.

ACAT Practice Exams are a helpful interactive tools to help you prepare for an ACAT exam.

  • 100% online

  • Easy-to-use, user-friendly format

  • Get immediate results and feedback

  • Randomized questions; can shuffle by topic area

  • Unlimited attempts

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Available Practice Exams

Practice exams are available for the following ACAT Credentials: 

Accredited Tax Advisor® (ATA)

View Online Sample

Accredited Tax Preparer® (ATP)

View Online Sample

Accredited Business Accountant/Advisor® (ABA)

View Online Sample

About ACAT

The Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation® (ACAT) was established in 1973 as a non-profit, independent, testing, accrediting and monitoring organization. ACAT accredits professionals who have demonstrated knowledge of the principles, practices, and ethical standards of accounting, taxation, and related financial services in order to maintain the highest level of service to the public.

Note to Purchasers

Purchase of NSA review materials is not a requirement for testing, nor does use of any review materials (NSA or otherwise) imply successful performance on the ACAT certification examinations

If you have already purchased an ACAT Self Study course, there is no need to purchase a Practice Exam too. ACAT Practice Exam questions are pulled from ACAT Self Study course review questions as well as other sources. When you purchase a self-study course, you will have access to all online review questions for each topic area/section!